Mai Chau valley is not only known as a beautiful natural place, but it is also famous for the beauty of rice fields through the time.
Check out the amazing photos of Mai Chau Valley view with rice fields from the beginning to the harvest seasons. You’ll find how incredible the view of Mai Chau is over a period of time in a year. Travel Mai Chau without a camera is missing because you want to take many things. There is also countless photo opportunities for photographers, photo lover, and couples….
From top of mountain, you can see a green valley of Mai Chau where wet rice is growing
A man working on his rice field in Mai Chau, VIetnam
To have good rice harvest, the land must be dug and crushed, mixed in the water with fertilizer
The young rice field, after two months of growing, it will be green and beautiful, and Vietnamese often compare it with a girl at the age of 17.
The rice field will change from green to yellow. it is the sign of the rice harvest is coming soon
Rice harvest season
Farmers harvesting wet rice on the field
Finally, my advice is to get involved with local farmers by joining hands-on activities of harvesting or planting rice with local farmers to experience as a real rice farmer because there’s only a few time in a year when you can do that.
Remember to travel Mai Chau in the right time to see its incredible beauty of rice paddy, people working in the field, water buffalo and so on. May and October is the best time for the harvest season. February and August to see lush green rice fields. There are two crops in a year, so there are two periods, which is good for photo hunters.
Late May and September for yellow rice paddies with the rice harvest season in Mai Chau
If you want a cool experience in Mai Chau, please get in touch with Hanoi Eco Tours for free travel advice for a trip to Mai Chau.