See high quality, very best photos, pictures and images shoot in Duong Lam ancient village near Hanoi includes street photography, local food, sightseeing spots, ancient houses and activities in Duong Lam village, only 1.5 hour drive from Hanoi. A great escape to rural village to enjoy true local rural living and learn in-depth about local Vietnamese culture
These are well-selected photos taking by a local guide who has been travelling to Duong Lam ancient village very often. We includes street photography, tourist attractions, ancient houses and more
Table of Contents
Entrance to Mia Pagoda in Duong Lam
Statue at Mia Pagoda in Duong Lam
Stupa in Mia Pagoda at Duong Lam ancient village @Henry Nguyen
Tile roof in Mia Pagoda @Henry Nguyen
Main Altar at Mong Phu Communal House in Duong Lam village
Tourists taking photos in the front of Mong Phu communal house in Duong Lam village @Henry Nguyen
Chapel Giang Van Minh temple in Duong Lam village
Mong Phu church in Duong Lam village
King Phung Hung temple in Duong Lam village
Ngo Quyen Tomb in Duong Lam village
Panoramic view of Mr Huyens’ ancient house in Duong lam village
Two nice girl’s picture in Mr Huyen’s ancient house in Duong Lam village
Lunch in mr Huyen’s ancient house in Duong Lam village
Entrance to Mr Hung’s ancient house in Duong Lam village
Veranda of Mr Hung’s ancient house
A coner of an ancient house in Duong Lam village
A photo of a tourist in an ancient house in Duong lam
Taking photos with local host family in Duong Lam village
Burning votive paper in Duong Lam village @Shawn
Local Wedding in Duong Lam village
A boy cycling in the small alleyway in Duong Lam village
Farmers in the harvest season in Duong Lam
A Lady going to work on the field in Duong Lam
An Old Smiling man in Duong Lam village
An Old Lady in Duong lam village
Hanoi Eco Tour team hope you have enjoy Duong Lam ancient village photos, pictures and images takings in Duong lam ancient village.
We also provide private tour to Duong Lam ancient village , if you would like to take it, please feel free to contact us anytime.